Key Publications


DEBOWSKI, S. (2012) The New Academic: A Strategic Handbook.  McGraw-Hill / Open University Press, Maidenhead, Berkshire, U.K.

DEBOWSKI, S. (2013). Creating fertile learning spaces: Mentorship strategies to support academic success. Places and Spaces in Teaching and Learning, Research and Development in Higher Education: Refereed papers from the 36th HERDSA Annual International Conference, 1-4 July 2013, Auckland, New Zealand.

DEBOWSKI, S. (2012). Leading Higher Education Teaching, Learning and Innovation. In Groccia, J. (ed). Alsudairi, M. and Buskist, B. Handbook of College and University Teaching: Global Perspectives, Sage: 251 – 267. ISBN: 978-1-4129-8815-5.

DEBOWSKI,  S. (2012). Applying Learning and Organizational Development Principles to Specific Organizational Contexts: the Higher Education Development Experience. The Encyclopedia of Human Resource Management: Volume 3: Thematic Essays. Benscoter, G. M. (Ed.) Pfeiffer/ Wiley, San Francisco: 23 – 33.

DEBOWSKI, S., Stefani, L., Cohen, P., Ho, A. (2012). Sustaining and championing academic development, in good times or bad. In Groccia, J., Alsudairi, M. and Buskist, B. (ed). Handbook of College and University Teaching: Global Perspectives, Sage: 125 – 142.

DEBOWSKI, S (2011) Defining and locating academic development: the first step in evaluation of effectiveness. In Stefani, L. The Effectiveness of Academic Development. Routledge, Kegan Paul, London: 17 -29.  ISBN: 978-1-4129-8815-5.

Lee, V., Dezure, D., DEBOWSKI, S., Ho, A. & Li, K. (2011). Enhancing international collaboration among academic developers in established and emerging contexts: Moving toward a post-colonial perspective, International Journal of Academic Development: 1-15.  DOI:10.1080/1360144X.2011.616590

DEBOWSKI, S. (2011) Emergent shifts in faculty development: A reflective review. In J. M. Miller & J. Groccia, (Eds.), To Improve the Academy, Vol. 30, Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco: 306 – 322.

DEBOWSKI, S. (2011). Growing as a leader: The role of leadership development and coaching at The University of Western Australia. In Warrick, D. (ed).  Lessons in Leadership: Learning From Real World Cases. Read to Lead Series, USA Info: 189 – 198.

DEBOWSKI, S. (2010). Leading research in an evolving world: Implications for higher education development, policy and practice. Reshaping Higher Education, Research and Development in Higher Education: Volume 33, Refereed papers from the 33rd HERDSA Annual International Conference, 6–9 July 2010, Melbourne, Australia.

DEBOWSKI S. (2009) Pencilled in the margins: Dealing with bullies at work.  In Naidoo, K. & Patel, F. Working Women: Stories of Strife, Struggles and Survival. Sage, San Francisco, pp. 65 – 78.

DEBOWSKI, S. (2008) Risky Business: Effective Planning and Management of Transnational Teaching in Dunn, L and Wallace, M, Transnational teaching and learning: Research, trends and approaches in cross-border higher education. Routledge Kegan Paul, London, 204 – 215.

DEBOWSKI, S.  (2007) Finding the right track: Enabling early career academic management of career, teaching and research. Research and Development in Higher Education, vol. 30.138 – 149.

DEBOWSKI, S. & Blake, V. (2007). Collective capacity building of academic leaders: a university model of leadership and learning in context. International Journal of Learning and Change, vol.2, no. 3, 307 – 324.

DEBOWSKI, S (2006) Knowledge Management. Wiley Press, Brisbane.  (Published in Orthodox Chinese version, 2009; Indian edition published 2010)

DEBOWSKI, S. (2006) Critical times: an exploration of recent evaluations of researcher development needs. Research and Development in Higher Education, vol. 29: 81 – 86.

DEBOWSKI, S. (2005) Across the divide: Teaching a transnational MBA in a second language. Higher Education Research and Development, August, vol. 24, no. 3, 265 – 281.

Debowski, s. (2004) Cultivating hidden assets: the developmental needs of career researchers. Research and Development in Higher Education. Vol. 27: 127 – 135.

DEBOWSKI, S. and Blake, V. (2004) The developmental needs of higher education academic leaders in encouraging effective teaching and learning, Teaching and Learning Forum, February 8 – 9, Murdoch University

DEBOWSKI, S., Wood, R. & Bandura, A.  (2001) The Impact Of Guided Exploration And Enactive Exploration On Self-Regulatory Mechanisms And Information Acquisition Through Electronic Enquiry.   Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 86, no. 6, 1129 – 1141.

Wood, R., George-Falvy, J. &  DEBOWSKI, S. (2001) Motivation and Information Search on Complex Tasks.  In Erez, M., Klienbeck, U. & Thierry, H. (Eds.)  Work Motivation in the Context of a Globalising Economy. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 27 – 48.